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Review: Machine learning - the skill of mutual fund managers

6 minute read


This paper uses machine learning method to predict fund returns, and shows fund characteristics can consistently differentiate high from low-performing mutual funds, as well as identify funds with net-of-fees abnormal returns.

Global Carbon Emission Analysis

4 minute read


Global warming has been brought up a long time ago, but it never draws most people’s attention not even me till recently. Since 2020, the wild fires in Australia and north America terrified me a lot.


Literature Light Map

This portfolio contains a roadmap illustrating the interconnections among influential papers in the field of causal inference. It features detailed replications and discussions of some seminal works.


Stock Return Prediction with Multiple Measures Using Neural Network Models

Published in Financial Innovation, 2023

In the field of empirical asset pricing, the challenges of high dimensionality, non-linear relationships, and interaction effects have led to the increasing popularity of machine learning (ML) methods. This study investigates the performance of ML methods when predicting different measures of stock returns from various factor models and investigates the feature importance and interaction effects among firm-specific variables and macroeconomic factors in this context.

Firms’ Carbon Emissions and Stock Returns

Published in Working Paper, 2023

In recent years, unanticipated climate change risks have propelled green portfolios to achieve superior returns compared to their brown counterparts. Paradoxically, both empirical and theoretical evidence underscore a perplexing phenomenon: brown firms, characterized by higher carbon emissions or lower ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) scores, tend to yield greater expected stock returns.

